Backyard Thoreau


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Week 6

"That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest." - Henry D. Thoreau

November 3, 2000

Weather: 6C - Partly Cloudy - Light Breeze


I have been lucky so far in that almost all of my walks have been on sunny, clear days. Today is no exception. Although the temperatures have gotten cooler, the weather is still quite nice. I hope it continues like this through the winter (although, I would like a lot of snow, too).

As I begin my walk towards the lakeshore, I hear geese flying overhead. I would have thought that they would have all traveled past Montreal by now, but I guess either their migration period lasts longer than I thought, or the nice weather has kept them north a little longer. Either way, I am happy to see (and hear) them.

The land outside the Forest and Stream Club looks much different now. At the beginning of the walks, it was difficult to see the building through the trees. Now, the Club is visible between the bare branches. There are quite a few evergreens on the property, but it was the deciduous trees that were blocking the view.

The lakeshore looks much the same as it has over the past few weeks, although the opposite shore has gone from green to orange to grey. Here and there white curls of smoke rise up from the land, making a very picturesque scene. The smoke most likely comes from industries, but that thought pretty much ruins the picture, so I try to keep it out of my mind for a few moments.

It is at the Community Centre that I notice the call of a chickadee. We have tons of them (which would be quite a lot of birds considering how small they are) at my grandparent's place in the Eastern Townships, but I rarely hear them here. I try to find it, but there are too many trees and the light is getting a dim - and, afterall, it is a fairly small bird.